Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Chapter 16

Chapter 16.

One year later, Etienne was scraping by, working odd jobs and driving a beat up old Cadillac. Agent Echo had failed in his bid for the Beijing posting, and was re-assigned to CIA Headquarters, in Langley. The Pope was insisting on more detailed information from online accounts, and the only way to get it was with warrants. To satisfy this ever growing thirst for information, Agent Echo conceived a joint operation with the NSA. Now, if he needed a warrant, the story to the judge would be that this new person was the subject of an investigation of a hard to prove conspiracy. Piece by piece, the patchwork of lies grew up, like a tent erection. There were no concrete leads, except historical ties back to the child hood of... Etienne DuBios.

Rather than arrest Etienne, and give him opportunity to clear his name, Etienne was put under surveillance, 24/7. Serious FBI agents, and CIA trade craft classes found employ in diligently documenting his visits to Taco Bell, and WalMart, week after week. When interest dwindled, Agent Echo would trot out some new application of the Beale Cipher, or point out that Etienne appeared to have secret ties with the Catholic Church. A class never lasted two years, and by the time a given boss might see the pattern repeat, the (now very senior) Agent Echo could promote him or extinguish his career at a whim. By the time Echo was forced to “cut other Catholics in” on the affair, the commitment was practically its own institution. Etienne was in no danger of coming to trial. In fact, if a move were made to that end, the ad hoc conspiracy of Catholics were so numerous that they could not have done so if they tried. There was too much power, money and influence invested in tertiary activities.

Etienne now faced the ire of foreign despots, and he was occasionally informed of their ill intent, if any “reached out” to engage the indianna.scout of yahoo.com. He did not get a memo, and no one ever said “Etienne, don't trust that person – he's a foreign operative.” Rather, some person who must needs speak to him anyway, in the course of normal business, mentioned that INS was looking for a given individual, or that a man cheated in business matters. They might say it was patent violations, or human trafficking. However he was warned, Etienne knew not to fraternize, without being given specifics.

The years of poverty and ill repute were draining his life away, when Etienne found the body.