Chapter 18
The Chinese
say that “In all adversity, there is opportunity.” By this, they
imply that if one must take responsibility for a statement or action,
one may logically ask for the latitude and authority to correct it.
However, adversity does not guarantee that one will not make a
mistake in doing so. Etienne was about to get the opportunity to
correct a mistake.
In trekking
about the murder site, the police soon stumbled upon more human
remains. Before all was said and done, the remains of four bodies
were discovered, and the San Francisco FBI officer who took over the
investigation randomly included one of Etienne's oppressors on his
team. However, these were no longer the early days of Agent Echo's
accusations. The number of people who knew that the accusation was
false was only a handful in the entire organization. For the rest,
he was a spy who had also been found out as a serial killer. The
stories began to be told.
tried to help him out by giving him a job at the Diocese...”
friends tried to get me a date with him, but the pervert wanted a
virgin. Can you imagine?”
“We always knew he was trouble. The police have been investigating
him forever. I'm glad he's
“...was an academic cheat to begin with. His obvious native
intelligence must have qualified him very well for a life of crime.”
No one really thought that Agent Echo would need to know, and
therefore no one made any move to stop the investigation. The Pope
had long been informed that Etienne had become an online provocateur,
seeking to overthrow the Chinese Government.
The facts that must come in to evidence before Etienne could be found
guilty would make a sorry tale, but in the mean time, people began to
point him out to their children, and warn them not to talk to him.
Notoriety did not result in a better social life.