Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

It was eight weeks later, before Etienne was treated to new revelations about his Sarah. In halting verbiage, she explained with shame and intimate trust that she was sexually active... with her FATHER!

Sarah lived in Etienne's dreams, literally and figuratively. No greater torment could his mind have known. His reply was hot, tempered with the fear that words of anger, condemning her father, would drive her away. He would steal his father's vacation money and meet her in Paris, if only she would run away with him.

Her answer shocked the senses. He must not tell anyone. It wasn't as if her father had been beating her. He was tender, and she could not BEAR to see him disparaged publicly. Etienne, she assured him, had no idea the sensitivity of her father's diplomatic efforts. He was a crucial link in a chain of espionage between the American President and Soviet Premier Gorbachev. If Etienne let ill advised comments slip, Cold War misunderstandings might start nuclear war.

Etienne burned in his soul with indignation. He could not hazard nuclear war the world over, but such injustice MUST be challenged. Without telling Sarah of his intentions, he began to implement plans of his own.

Without telling his father, he began to help himself to the rainy day fund in the family safe. American currency would serve as a medium of exchange anywhere in the world. His father did not know that his mother knew the combination, and she had asked Etienne to place things in it on her behalf, from time to time. Jewelry, important unsigned documents; the list went on.

He stole his own American Passport, and asked his father for permission to visit Sri Lanka on a tourist visa. Soon enough, his father presented him with a Canadian passport of his own, replete with a tourist visa to Sri Lanka. His ten day stay was to be with a British mission. He was hardly off the plane, before he was presenting his American passport for a three day stamp, and buying a return ticket to Heathrow Airport. Having secured the ticket, he called on the British family with gifts of instant coffee and sandalwood talcum powder. He explained that he had been struck with the good fortune of an invitation to a game preserve in the East, and thanked them for their promises of hospitality and stayed over night. He left in the morning, taking time to mail his parents a post-card, before embarking on his clandestine journey to London. His plane was touching down in England before 24 hours had passed, and he felt a sense of vindication, as the first stage of his expedition of reprisal ended.