Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

Sarah, in the mean time had been treated to revelations of her own. Etienne revealed with shame and humiliation that he was in love... with her brother. In halting verbiage, he explained with fear and intimate trust, that he was sexually active with a schoolmate, but his true affections lay in England, where Gary didn't even know he existed.

Her replies were devastated. She could now comprehend why his earlier affections had been so cold. She had never promised she would wait for him, but she had never planned for anyone else. First love is love at first sight, and Etienne could never know how deeply betrayed she felt; words were poor relations to the treasures of her affection for him. Gary's love was mere pelf.

Where she had hated him for glacial indifference to her ardor, her soul now mourned his unrequited love, with the emotional repugnance of one who loved him with physical desire of her own. Rather than deform her heart with malevolence, she threw herself into her schoolwork, taking time to match make artfully amongst her friends. Her intellect was not defective, and by being outside herself, she could see thoughts and feelings in others with a surreal clarity unknown to others her age.

Her purity of spirit, and emotional seclusion, made her irresistible, to peer and Professor alike. She was a vixen, and if she knew how to slay a man with a look, she did not know how not to.