Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

The incident forgotten, young Etienne thought no more of it for several weeks. The matter only resurfaced as a result of an unusual circumstance.

Toward the end of the summer semester, in P.E. Class, Etienne found himself anchoring the final leg of a relay race, competing directly against Gary Arberton. The teams were evenly matched, and Etienne began his leg with a slight lead. In the final 50 meters, Gary laboriously reeled in his lead, and in the last 10 feet, he arrogantly put his free hand on Etienne's chest and pushed past, winning by a counterfeit nose.

As the teacher inevitably approached, Etienne was so angry he was in tears. By contrast, Gary belligerently launched into a verbal tirade, insisting that Etienne had treacherously attempted to trip him, which (he averred) left him no choice but to steady himself, with observable results.

The teacher had a miniature quandary on his hands. Etienne' father was but a chauffeur at the Canadian Embassy, whereas Gary's father was a full fledged diplomat. Following the path of least resistance makes men and rivers crooked, and in two minutes the teacher loudly pronounced Gary the victor, proclaiming for all to hear that Etienne had cheated by attempting to trip him.

Denied justice, Etienne launched forth with the sternest accusation of which he could conceive. “Gary, you're a liar and a cheat, and your daddy is a SPY!”

Flush with his successful dissimulation, Gary retaliated at the top of his lungs, “You'll pay for that Etienne! Just see if you DON'T!”

Hall monitors had to drag the two apart as fisticuffs ensued.

None could imagine the conflagration of hatred that would result from rash words, lightly spoken in unguarded anger. It was a Catholic school!